Inspiation For Your Journey..!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
>>Be understanding to your perceived enemies.
>>Be loyal to your friends.
>>Be strong enough to face the world each day.
>>Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything alone.
>>Be generous to those who need your help.
>>Be frugal with that you need yourself.
>>Be wise enough to know that you do not know everything.
>>Be foolish enough to believe in miracles.
>>Be willing to share your joys.
>>Be willing to share the sorrows of others.
>>Be a leader when you see a path others have missed.
>>Be a follower when you are shrouded by the mists of uncertainty.
>>Be first to congratulate an opponent who succeeds.
>>Be last to criticize a colleague who fails.
>>Be sure where your next step will fall, so that you will not
>>Be sure of your final destination, in case you are going the
>>wrong way.
>>Be loving to those who love you..
>>Be loving to those who do not love you; they may change.
>>Above all, be yourself.


posted by Captain Jack at 11:43 PM | Permalink